Our masonry based chinking is cost effective and environmentally sound.

Restoration Chinking
and Log Treatment

Email Acme Chinking
We will travel.

Our masonry-based chinking material has a very warm, appealing surface and is also durable and long lasting. Our mortar recipe has been used widely in Appalachia since 1910. It is more cost-effective than latex products and completely safe for the environment. We can mix a wide range of colors into your mortar; from pale buff to deep terra cotta to middle value greys.

We can also preserve and enhance your wooden logs while protecting them from insects. Our restoration recipe is strong, effective and environmentally sound.

We take a lot of pride in our work at Acme. Our services are competitively priced, and we enjoy working with our hands in traditional ways. In the tradition of itinerate construction trades, our services are easily portable. We enjoy travel, and no job is too far from our home base in southern West Virginia. We are pleased to be part of the effort to preserve pioneer culture.

Some Examples
Click any picture for a larger view.
Working around a window.Click for a larger view of this cabinCloseup of chinking.Click for a larger view of this cabin

Jessica Levine
Acme Chinking
Box 1601
Lewisburg, WV 24901
e-mail: levinejessica@hotmail.com

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